The Thinking Practitioner podcast
Handspring Publishing is the proud sponsor of The Thinking Practitioner podcast.
Thinking Practitioner focuses on:
'Engaging conversations with Til Luchau and Whitney Lowe, on key topics in manual and movement therapy: bodywork, massage therapy, structural integration, chiropractic, myofascial and myotherapy, orthopedic, sports massage, physical therapy, osteopathy, yoga, strength and conditioning, and allied professions.'
These episodes are available to watch or to listen to on their website. Til and Whitney have had plenty of Handspring authors on the podcast or discussed our Handsprings books in many episodes. You can listen to those episodes below:
Beyond ”It Depends:” Oncology Massage (with Janet Penny, Rebecca Sturgeon, and Loretta Luchau)
The Handspring Story (with Andrew Stevenson and Mary Law)
Scars and Scar Tissue (with Cathy Ryan)