Press Reviews
Tara Pauley, NIHR Midwife Champion
Aromatherapy in Midwifery Practice provides an evidence-based, safe and accountable guide. Having led in setting up a service using aromatherapy for post-dates pregnant women, I feel such literature is essential for the use of complementary therapy within maternity care settings.
Philippa Cox, Consultant Midwife, Homerton University Hospital, London
Denise Tiran's book, Aromatherapy in Midwifery Practice, is a must for anyone who provides aromatherapy or is looking to set up an aromatherapy service for women going through pregnancy, labour and the postnatal period. The author recognises the developing popularity of implementing an aromatherapy service in midwifery care. This book can support midwives in achieving this safely from developing the initial business case to supporting midwives in fulfilling their Revalidation requirements set out by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC). It has built on her previous books and has been updated to include current NMC guidance and discusses current research undertaken in this subject.
Louise Simpson, Consultant Midwife who utilises complementary therapies in her every day practice to maximise normality in childbirth
This book is essential for all practitioners who use complementary therapies in their practice, or advise pregnant women about the use of complementary therapies. The book focusses on the fundamentals of safe and effective practice; challenging the misconception that the use of complementary therapies is safe for all women. Excellent evidenced based reading. Highly recommended.
Amanda Redford, Senior Research Midwife/Trial co-ordinator, Acupuncturist and Complementary Healthcare Practitioner for Women’s Health
Anyone involved in complementary therapies and maternity will treasure this book. It provides teachings from a bio-psycho-social approach based on evidence based practice. It demonstrates Denise's experience, passion and drive to educate professionals about complementary therapies while highlighting safety and professional accountability when using complementary therapies in maternity care.
Anita James
In EssenceFrom an aromatherapy perspective, I would recommend this book to any therapist wishing to treat pregnant women or new mothers, either as part of their own practice or within a midwifery setting.
Hannah Crook Waldock
In EssenceFrom a midwifery perspective, this is a must-have book for any midwife looking to practise aromatherapy within her midwifery role, whether within the NHS or in private practice. It reminds us throughout of our primary midwifery role and the importance of practising within guidelines, whilst encouraging us to provide for women an additional service that can be of great benefit.
Anita James and Hannah Crook Waldock
The Practising MidwifeThe book is a thoroughly researched and comprehensive guide and resource for midwives and complementary therapy practitioners...From an aromatherapy perspective, this book is recommended for anyone wishing to treat pregnant women or new mothers. From a midwifery perspective, this is a must-have book for any midwife looking to practise aromatherapy in midwifery, either in the NHS or privately.