Press Reviews
Yang-Sheng Online Journal
The author suggests that the "Dao is accessible by everyone in one way or another. The form it takes only depends upon how much you are willing to put in." As with any worthwhile goal in life, it takes patience, diligent practice, good teaching and persistence to get the maximum benefits. So it is with Nei Gong. This book will give the reader enough insights to persue the study of Nei Gong further. The practices of Sung breathing and the Ji Ben Qigong set are bound to be of value to all who read this book.
Daniel Reid
This book drills down into the golden core of the ancient Chinese art and science of internal self-cultivation known as "Chi Gung" or "energy work", and after reading it, you'll understand why Chi Gung is the best way on earth to protect your health, prolong your life, and clarify your awareness of both aspects of the "Three Treasures" of life - mortal body, breath, and mind; and immortal essence, energy, and spirit. Known simply as "Nei Gung", or "internal work", this inner alchemy may be learned and practiced by anyone. Written by a dedicated practitioner who verifies scholarly research with personal experience and illustrates ancient theory with contemporary practice, this book provides the Western mind with a clear-cut introduction to Chi Gung that informs as well as inspires the reader to practice.
Qigong Healing.co.uk
This is one of the best if not the best book on Daoist internal arts that I've ever read... Many books give practices but you don't understand the principles and reasons for doing them. This book is written so that you can understand the principles behind the practices. It is soundly based on the simple teachings of Lao Tze... I would recommend anyone interested in qigong and nei gong to get this book.