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How the Art of Medicine Makes the Science More Effective

Becoming the Medicine We Practice
  • Author
    • Claudia Welch
Regular price £21.99
Regular price Sale price £21.99
Does the art of medicine matter? Does it really help us become better doctors and improve results? Dr. Claudia Welch explores how the effectiveness of a physician extends far beyond the ability to prescribe correct treatments, and how mastering the art of doctoring can make the medicine more effective.

Drawing on Eastern medical traditions and experience as well as on Western science, Dr. Welch examines how we know what we know, the mechanics of doctor-patient emotional contagion, and the degree to which a patient's sensory experience in a medical office affects their experience of treatments delivered. Dr. Welch also offers practical steps that doctors can take to cultivate more refined perceptive abilities and improve results.

Dr. Welch's book will be essential reading for all health care practitioners interested in understanding the art of their practice and how it can enhance therapeutic outcomes, including doctors of Ayurveda, Chinese medicine, Naturopathy, as well as western medical professionals and other complementary health practitioners.
  • Published: Sep 30 2015
  • Pages: 256
  • 236 x 162mm
  • ISBN: 9781848192294
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Press Reviews

  • Dr. Robert Svoboda, BAMS

    The concept that a physician can actively cultivate the ability to exert a positive medicinal effect on a patient is a welcome perspective in a world that prioritizes techniques, fad diets, new drugs, remedies, supplements and renegade experimental medicine to address illness. Dr. Claudia Welch teases out unconscious and subconscious assumptions of the modern day physician, and the qualities they engender, shedding light on them from an Eastern medical perspective to offer methods for improvement. This book belongs in the library of every health care practitioner, any patient who wants to know what to look for in one, and indeed any concerned individual who wishes to cultivate good relationships with, and a good influence on, all sentient beings, and our planet.
  • Dr. Vasant Lad, B.A.M.S., M.A.Sc., Ayurvedic Physician, and author of Ayurveda: Science of Self-Healing, Textbook of Ayurveda series and more

    Because of her background in Ayurveda, acupuncture, and teaching as well as her spiritual discipline, Dr Claudia Welch has developed the insight to see beyond the physical and to look for the subtle signs of pre-pathological conditions. The practitioner can use the practical steps in this book to guide them beyond lab tests and toward results that are more effective.
  • Dr. Larry Dossey, MD, author of One Mind: How Our Individual Mind Is Part of a Greater Consciousness and Why It Matters

    Sir William Osler, the father of western scientific medicine, said, 'the practice of medicine is an art, not a trade, a calling, not a business; a calling in which your heart will be exercised equally with your head.' Dr. Claudia Welch stands in this great tradition. Her book is a clarion call to the spiritual side of medicine, without which healing can never be complete.
  • Dr. Timothy McCall, MD, author of Yoga as Medicine, Co-editor of The Principles and Practice of Yoga in Health Care and Co-director, The Simply Yoga Institute, Summit, NJ

    A wise and compassionate meditation on the art and science of holistic medicine.
  • Dr Anne Parfitt-Rogers

    NY Journal of Books - West
    Dr. Claudia Welch, who has a doctorate in Oriental Medicine and lists among her credentials membership of the National Association of Ayurvedic Medicine as well as the Author's Guild, has written this insightful book about the interlinking of medicine and science... This is a fascinating book that draws many parallels with Western medicine while enlightening us on the complexities of Eastern philosophies, particularly Ayurvedic teachings. It informs and educates us to gain a deeper understanding of health and the world around us.