Press Reviews
All Things Healing
I'm a novice when it comes to the practice of Reiki which is why this book attracted my attention. The title alone promises to explain this ancient and mysterious art of healing and I've come to appreciate that the titles publisher Singing Dragon produce are highly-readable and enlightening. Perfect for a novice like me... By the time I had finished reading the book, I felt I had a confident understanding and appreciation of reiki and how it might help me.
Reiki can be hard to explain, a shared experience that is difficult to put into words, by Krishni approaches it in an appropriately simple and clear manner, with the gentle energy and ease of a seasoned master. I found myself transported to India by her tales of looking after deer in an ashram a job to which she devoted herself... Clear, crisp and concise, her clarity in "Principles of Reiki" is reassuring and powerful.
Rick Bockner, Reiki Master
As one of the early Reiki Masters in the Western Hemisphere, Krishni Boräng has a unique and deep understanding of Reiki. In this book she offers insights drawn from a long and thoughtful practice. This is of immense value to students of Reiki today and to those wishing to learn more about this unique and profound healing art.
Martha Sylvester, Reiki Master
This is the only Reiki book that I recommend to my students and I am delighted that it is back in print. It tells you everything you need to know about Reiki with very practical advice. Krishni has a wealth and depth of experience from her many years of practice and close association with one of Hawayo Takata's Masters, Wanja Twan.
Liora Lalita Claff, Reiki Master
It is a relief for me to have a book that I can recommend to people that represents Reiki the way it was given to me. Krishni's book connects me to all that I love about the Usui System of Reiki...the beauty, simplicity, honesty and integrity of the system; the love I have for my Reiki Master and the power of Reiki itself that never ceases to amaze me.
Paul Dennis, Reiki Master
If you need just one Reiki book to help you to come to know Reiki, or on your journey with Reiki in practice, this is THE book. Reiki is a practical, not theoretical, Healing Art, and Krishni with her 30 years' experience cuts straight through to the crucial essentials that you will need.
Kate Jones, Reiki Master
Those new to Reiki and those who are already Reiki initiated will find inspiration in Krishni's lovely book.