Press Reviews
Professor Jayne E Marshall FRCM, PFHEA, PhD, MA, PGCEA, ADM, RM, RGN, Foundation Professor of Midwifery, University of Leicester
This is an excellent book that provides great insight and support for those midwives, doulas and other individuals who may have the vision or an innovative idea that they wish to develop into their own private business venture but have no idea where to begin. The author Denise Tiran utilizes her own experience as midwife, lecturer, complementary practitioner and successful business woman to share a very insightful and frank step-by-step approach in establishing and maintaining a maternity-related business in a highly competitive market. It is a definite addition to undergraduate Midwifery education programmes, as it is important for future midwives and those aspiring to be leaders of the profession, to understand the intricacies of writing a business case, being cognizant of pricing and budgeting to fully appreciate the cost of everyday maternity care. Throughout the book are practical tips and activities for the reader to undertake and devise their personal business plans as well as a number of case studies from courageous midwives who have taken the step to set up their private practice: giving the content authenticity and credibility whilst at the same time endorsing the ethical, legal and professional considerations, that the midwife/doula entrepreneur must fully understand. It will certainly be a key text for the trail blazing 4-year undergraduate MSci Midwifery with Leadership programme at the University of Leicester!
Dr Sheena Byrom RM OBE, Director all4maternity
As a midwife of 40 years, and having very recently ventured into a business arena, I found Denise Tiran's new book The Business of Maternity Care a timely and valuable resource. Although my enterprise is focused on learning for student midwives and midwives, I found the introduction to the concept of business for midwives and the advice and tips shared reassuring and helpful. This book would also be useful to other health care workers who venture into this new world.
Brydon Williams, Clinical Supervisor for Midwives, Wales
MIDIRS Midwifery DigestThis book is a clear, comprehensive guide to setting up a business. It is packed with detail, yet proved to be interesting and thought-provoking on many levels. I read it in an afternoon but found it succinct and 'meaty'. I would definitely recommend this book (and already have) to anyone starting a maternity business. There don't seem to be many stones left unturned and there is a pervading positive, supportive but realistic approach throughout the book to setting up a private practice or social enterprise.