Press Reviews
Library Journal
An intriguing book that illustrates how TCM emphasizes the cultivation of mind/body to maintain health and harmony.
The European Journal of Oriental Medicine
The chapter What can acupuncture offer those with cancer? presents a readable digest of research in pain control, chemo and radiotherapy-induced damage such as immune injury, dry mouth, nausea and sickness, and so on. McGrath succeeds in identifying a good portion of the right research material. The same goes for the lengthy section on Chinese herbs that offers readers a lucid and fairly in-depth account of the role that Chinese herbal medicine can play in cancer care... McGrath's patient-oriented focus is shown in various handy hints about identifying suitable practitioners... This is the sort of material we often have to convey to patients to help them become involved in the treatment process and to feel assured that the CM path is a viable one. It can be a struggle to convey such information verbally and so in presenting this book McGrath has done us a service... Traditional Chinese Medicine Approaches to Cancer succeeds in providing a convenient way of explaining to cancer patients what we do and why it should be seen as the informed patients realistic CAM option. We can now say: "Read this for next week so you understand what we are doing". It also has a place in the education of practitioners who only occasionally see cancer patients as it provides a basic overview of cancer care in CM without becoming too bogged down in detail. A resource worth having.
Anthony Harrison, former President of Register of Chinese Herbal Medicine and Director of the Register of Chinese Herbal Medicine Chinese Herb Garden
Chinese medicine has several important tools to offer in cancer management, but the cultural language and unique medical diagnosis can be a barrier to understanding the correct use of these tools. Henry McGrath has an excellent grasp on the true principles of Chinese medicine and he has managed to present it in a way that can be readily understood by cancer sufferers or specialists who seek to view this disease from another perspective.
Pat Pilkington MBE, Co-Founder, Penny Brohn Cancer Care
Henry McGrath has given us an invaluable gift. Taking the ancient and complex world of Chinese Medicine, he leads readers into a magical place of 'Qi', of free flowing energy, harmony, balance and 'whole person' therapy, in a ground-breaking and comprehensive study of this ancient medical system. Here is information for the practitioner; hope for the cancer sufferer; and for the discerning reader a glimpse into the Tao: the path of spirituality; a way to wholeness, harmony and healing. This book will be of long term value to all who read it.
Jeremy Ross, Founder of Combining Western Herbs and Chinese Medicine Project
Henry McGrath has made great contributions to the improvement of professional education in Chinese medicine. In this much-needed book he clearly explains Chinese medicine to a lay audience. It shows that there is a solid research base behind the practice of Chinese medicine, and gives clear information to those with cancer.
ICNM Journal
In this book, Henry McGrath explains his view on how Chinese medicine can be effective in supporting the treatment of cancer by orthodox Western methods. He shows how it is particularly effective in alleviating many of the side effects of treatment. He presents the wide range of approaches including acupuncture and Qigong. McGrath draws on his many years as a practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine to explain how Chinese medicine approaches cancer in terms of understanding and treatment.
ForeWord Reviews
Henry McGrath, a United Kingdom-based practitioner of oriental medicine, describes the use of acupuncture, herbal medicine, and Qi Gona in cancer care, and emphasizes how these methods can support allopathic treatment... The book offers patients and care providers a holistic approach to regaining health and building resilience.
The Herbalist
This potent book offers an integrated approach to either those suffering from cancer, or others working in the field of natural medicine. The text embraces the major tenets of Chinese thought, including: food therapy, herbal medicine, acupuncture, Qi Gong and Feng Shui... Not only does this book provide the reader with an understanding of "Chinese Medicine Appraches to Cancer" but also illuminates many underlying precepts of Chinese thought.
Shiatsu Health Point
A truly excellent book. I just couldn't put it down. Great for complementary therapy practitioners but the general public would also benefit from the book gaining a great understanding of how cancer, diet, lifestyle, exercise, side-effects, and medication affects the body as the book has been written in a way that is suitable for cancer sufferers, their families or specialists (...) A very inspiring read. Highly recommended for everyone.