Press Reviews
Ian McDermott, founder of International Teaching Seminars and UKCP certified psychotherapist
Nick Pole has performed a real service by showing how Clean Language is something everyone can use. It is a pleasure to see my late friend David Grove's work receiving such practical explication and application. This is a how-to manual suitable for anyone who wants to be better at working with the wisdom within each of us.
John Hamwee, acupuncturist and author of Zero Balancing, Intuitive Acupuncture and Acupuncture for New Practitioners
For all their skills in working with the body and its energies, few complementary practitioners pay careful attention to the language they use with their patients. With the help of this clear and compelling book they will be better able to practise the mind body medicine which they espouse.
James Lawley & Penny Tompkins, authors of Metaphors in Mind: Transformation through Symbolic Modelling
Words that Touch gently balances the Ying and Yang of language and body, theory and practice with hundreds of stories, examples and personal anecdotes. Nick Pole's delightful book shows how Clean Language questions can transcend technique to become a way of being with another person's body and mind.
Carola Beresford-Cooke, author of Shiatsu Theory and Practice and co-founder of the Shiatsu College UK
Nicholas Pole offers bodyworkers a new skill in this clear and elegant book, showing that the words we use directly affect our clients' Qi as much as our touch. With simple "clean" questions we can help them reach into and resolve the origin of their own condition. A valuable resource.
Peter den Dekker, Chi Kung instructor, acupuncturist and author of The Dynamics of Standing Still
Nick Pole has written an important and convincing book. Spoken language and body language have drifted apart. Words that Touch introduces how to make dialogue an integral part of bodywork. Without any doubt many therapists and teachers of bodywork will find inspiration and practical guidance in it.
Rosalie Dores, mindfulness teacher, supervisor & trainer
I had the sense as I was reading, that I was sitting at the feet of a great teacher: the body. Words That Touch provides an insightful, clear and practical guide for accessing somatic intelligence. A profoundly helpful book.
Judy Rees
JudyRees.co.ukMight be the best book on Clean Language so far...The practical examples are excellent, with transcripts that aren't boring or baffling. It provides a fascinating insight into how Nick thinks, as a shiatsu practitioner.
David Feakes, MFHT
International Therapist, Autumn 2017Nick Pole offers great techniques that can transform a consultation, making it easier for a client to be clearer about what they want. Some great case examples contextualise theory in practice, and the book makes for an informative and interesting read.
Gillian Vincent, MFHT
International Therapist, Autumn 2017At first read, I felt this book about the concept of clean language would be one I would refer to as and when I needed. But once I understood it more, I was hooked. I found it was well written and free flowing. I can see that it will give empowerment to clients during treatment sessions and beyond.
Adan Hellinger MRSS(T)
Shiatsu Society JournalNick has produced this excellent book presenting his approach. It provides not only a clear and concise introduction to the world of Clean Language - and how it links with bodywork - but it also provides clear references to the theory behind this way of working. I felt the book to be an excellent introduction and guide to both the practical use and the theory of Clean Language and 'how to ask questions your body can answer'.