Moved to Learn! webinars
Join movement educators and manual therapists in
Handspring’s global forum for Moved to Learn! – a regular series of
conversations that bring you expert guidance in how to enhance your practice.
These free events share theory, practice, insight and experience from renowned
movement teachers and practitioners. Each event includes a mix of conversation,
presentation, guided practice, and Q&A.

Elizabeth Larkam is your host and moderator for this series of interactive sessions with Handspring Publishing authors. Elizabeth is an internationally respected movement teacher and innovator, and author of Fascia in Motion: Fascia-focused movement for Pilate and the upcoming Pilates Applications for Health Conditions.
We are delighted that Elizabeth is leading this venture for us.
View previous webinars in the Moved to Learn! series:
Episode 31 – The Myofascial System in Form and Movement with Lauri Nemetz (September 18 2023)
View this event on YouTubeLauri Nemetz, a leading dissector in the field of myofascial anatomy and author of The Myofascial System in Form and Movement, presents her book, guides viewers through a few movements and more!
Episode 30 – Pelvic Rehabilitation with Maureen Mason (June 19 2023)
View this event on YouTubeIn this webinar, Maureen Mason guides the viewer through exercises, whilst guiding the viewer through the contents of her book and why pelvic rehabilitation is so important.
Episode 29 – The Memory Palace of Bones with David Lauterstein (April 17 2023)
View this event on YouTubeDavid Lauterstein, co-author of The Memory Palace of the Bones talks with Elizabeth about the origins of the book, the contents of the book and takes us through some guided exercises.
Episode 28 – Managing the Spino-Pelvic-Hip Complex with Carl Todd (January 23 2023)
View this event on YouTubeIn this session, Carl Todd, author of Managing the Spino-Pelvic-Hip Complex delivers a presentation that pulls out the content of his book.
Episode 27 – Hip and Knee Pain Disorders with Benoy Mathews (September 26, 2022)
View this event on YouTubeBenoy Mathews is 1/3 of the author team behind Hip and Knee Pain Disorders. In this session, Benoy delves into his fascinating
journey into the field of lower limb physiotherapy and talks us through the most common cases he sees in his patients. -
Episode 26 – Spiral Bound with Karen Kirkness (March 23, 2022)
View this event on YouTubeKaren Kirkness author of Spiral Bound – Integrated Anatomy
for Yoga, weaves together threads of development to see how our morphological constraints arise in the earliest moments of life, and how this rotation lays the spiral ground-work for rotational kinematics that encompass all
tissue. -
Episode 25 – Myofascial Induction™ with Andrzej Pilat (February 23, 2022)
View this event on YouTubeAndrzej Pilat, author of Myofascial Induction™ – An anatomical approach to the treatment of fascial dysfunction Volume 1: The Upper Body, invited us to join the scientific fascial adventure that allows us to uncover areas of knowledge which may have been forgotten or which are not yet recognized as being related and which might still reveal relevant information.
Episode 24 – Centered with Madeline Black (January 26, 2022)
View this event on YouTubeTwo of the world’s foremost Pilates teachers, Madeline Black and Elizabeth Larkam joined together for this free educational webinar which considered how to organize the body through kinesiology, movement theory and pilates techniques, and welcomed the exciting new second edition of Madeline’s Centered. This was an exceptional event with presentation, conversation and guided practice from Madeline.
Episode 23 – Using Yoga Therapy and Art Therapy Interventions for Mental Health with guest Ellen G Horovitz (December 15, 2021)
View this event on YouTubeYoga therapist and Art therapist, Ellen Horovitz, author of Head and Heart considers how and why to integrate these two therapeutic specialisms when working with clients dealing with mental health issues, communication issues in family relationships, or struggling to find balance and well-being in general. Her interoceptive research and therapeutic approach are intended to help both therapist and client reach a deeper understanding of how to understand and work through the issues they are facing. Ellen shared theory and practice with us and led us in a therapeutic creative activity!
Episode 22 – Nervous-system Informed Trauma-sensitive Yoga with guest Joann Lutz MSW LICSW E-RYT (November 17, 2021)
View this event on YouTubeJoann Lutz MSW LICSW C-IAYT, author of Trauma Healing in the Yoga Zone, shared the model she developed to manage and treat trauma: Nervous-System Informed, Trauma-Sensitive Yoga (NITYA) – a synthesis of polyvagal theory, classic yoga, somatic psychotherapy, and neuroscience research, organized around the eight stages of classic yoga practice. This acclaimed model seeks to fulfil unmet need in clients presenting with trauma. Learn more about this therapeutic model and method directly from its creator!
Episode 21 – Zero Balancing – conscious touch and transformation with Jim McCormick (October 27, 2021)
View this event on YouTubeIn our third event of our Fall 2021 season of Moved to Learn! Jim McCormick, Licensed Acupuncturist and Zero Balancing practitioner and author of Zero Balancing: conscious touch and transformation delved into the theory and practice of Zero
Balancing – a gentle therapy involving conscious touch, which engages hands, head and heart. Through presentation and guided practice attendees explored the
therapy first hand and gained an understanding of how it can bring about awareness and healing. -
Episode 20 – Breathing, Mudras and Meridians: Direct experience of embodiment with Bill Harvey (September 15, 2021)
View this event on YouTubeIn our second event of our Fall 2021 season of Moved to Learn! Bill Harvey, Advanced Certified Structural Integrator and Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist, author of Breathing, Mudras and Meridians: Direct Experience of Embodiment, joined Elizabeth Larkam to share his expertise and experiences as a therapist that led him to delve deeply into the experience of embodiment, as opposed to an understanding of the concept. Bill led us in learning and guided practice of embodiment with the hands as primary focus.
Episode 19 – Yoga, Fascia, Anatomy and Movement with Joanne Avison (August 18, 2021)
View this event on YouTubeIn the first of our Fall 2021 season of Moved to Learn!, yoga teacher and author of Yoga, Fascia, Anatomy and Movement 2E, Joanne Avison, joined Elizabeth Larkam to consider the embryology, anatomy and biotensegrity of our hands. Joanne also shared a wonderful guided practice and a mudra that you can enjoy in the recording. And chocolate!
Episode 18 – The Feldenkrais Method® – learning through movement with Staffan Elgelid and Chrish Kresge (June 23, 2021)
View this event on YouTubeIn this episode, Staffan and Chrish introduced The Feldenkrais Method® and its various applications in movement modalities. They also introduced their book The Feldenkrais Method®: Learning through movement, in which a range of international Feldenkrais teachers explore the use of the
method in their movement specialism. -
Episode 17 – Fascia in Sport and Movement with Robert Schleip and Jan Wilke (April 14, 2021)
View this event on YouTubeRobert Schleip and Jan Wilke, Editors of Fascia in Sport and Movement 2E, joined
Elizabeth Larkam for the latest webinar. Their subject was fascia in sport and movement, and they highlighted some of the
latest research in this area. This was a rare opportunity to meet Robert Schleip, the leading expert in fascia research and its applications, and his co-editor, Jan Wilke. As well as presentation and conversation there was also
the opportunity for some Q&A. -
Episode 16 – Seeking Symmetry: a better path to health with Niall Galloway (March 10, 2021)
View this event on YouTubeNiall Galloway, author of Seeking Symmetry: Finding patterns in human health, joined Elizabeth Larkam to explore patterns for understanding the information we have about the human body, patterns whose roots lie in embryonic development and in evolution. As we face an overload of information about the body, he aims to share information
that can best help us stay healthy. A fascinating event, rich in learning and as usual a very interesting Q&A that teased out further practical aspects of Niall’s approach to health and wellbeing. -
Episode 15 – The Alexander Technique: Twelve fundamentals of integrated movement with Penelope Easten (February 10, 2021)
View this event on YouTubePenelope Easten, author of The Alexander Technique: Twelve fundamentals of integrated
movement joined Elizabeth Larkam in this webinar to share her new approach to The Alexander Technique. The event is an ideal introduction to her work and to Alexander Technique for all movement professionals interested in a modern approach to working with it. -
Episode 14 – Yoga Deconstructed: Movement science principles for teaching yoga with Trina Altman (January 13, 2021)
View this event on YouTubeTrina Altman, author of Yoga Deconstructed® helps teachers understand regressions and
progressions for human movement and yoga asana to fit the unique needs of each
student, so that students develop movement skills and reduce their risk of injury within their yoga practice. In this episode, Trina explores the concept of somatic movement and invites the movement professional to consider different ways to work with clients who are recovering from injury, in rehabilitation or
undergoing physical therapy. -
Episode 13 – Freedom to Move! Movement therapy for spinal pain and injuries with Josephine Key (November 18, 2020)
View this event on YouTubeJosephine Key, Neuromusculoskeletal physiotherapist, has over 45 years in clinical practice – of which the last 30 years or so have been devoted to seeking a better understanding of the spine in health and in disease. In conversation and presentation she explored and explained aspects of her Key Moves® Programme of Therapeutic Exercise and Movement – a unique approach to spine care, which respects movement and neuroscience research, the personal experience of the
therapist, and the exploration and evaluation of various movement disciplines. -
Episode 12 – Pain Science – Yoga – Life… with Niamh Moloney and Marnie Hartman (November 04, 2021)
View this event on YouTubeNiamh Moloney and Marnie Hartman are Physical Therapists, Yoga Teachers and authors
of Pain Science – Yoga – Life: Bridging neuroscience and yoga for pain care who combine their knowledge of the neuroscience of pain with yoga philosophy and practice for pain care. This practical and evidence-based event is a wonderful introduction for movement professionals who want to understand how and why yoga practice can move clients beyond pain and back to normal life! -
Episode 11 – Susan Lowell de Solórzano and Graham Scarr: ‘How biotensegrity informs human movement’ (September 30, 2021)
View this event on YouTubeSusan Lowell de Solórzano and Graham Scarr joined Elizabeth Larkam to explore ‘How
biotensegrity informs human movement’. Our two guests represented the science
and practice of biotensegrity and shared some of their wide ranging knowledge and experience in massage therapy, structural integration and osteopathy. An event full of ‘news you can use’ for manual therapists and movement professionals. -
Episode 10 – David Lesondak: Why Fascia Still Matters! (September 2, 2020)
View this event on YouTubeDavid Lesondak, Structural Integrator, fascia specialist and author of Fascia: What it is and why it matters, looked at the latest research and current thinking in the field of fascia and its importance for all massage therapists in terms of what they learn and what they do. David is practised and gifted in the art and skill of making the science and research highly accessible and relevant to practitioners. This event is ideal for any practitioner wanting a better understanding of the latest evidence for the importance of fascia to therapist
and client! -
Episode 9 – Professor Ann Baldwin: Reikiin Clinical Practice, (August 12, 2020)
View this event on YouTubeAnn Baldwin PhD presented the scientific basis for Reiki – a healing technique, using gentle touch with the hands placed on or slightly away from the body to
optimize physical, mental and emotional health – and shared her journey as a scientist, starting from her unsolicited encounter with Reiki and personal observations to her continuing testing of its validity and her quest to determine its
effectiveness through robust, scientific investigation. Her very well received book Reiki in Clinical Practice: A science-based guide shares the evidence base
supporting the use of Reiki by health care professionals. -
Episode 8 – Ann and Chris Frederick: Fascial StretchTherapy™ – evolution of a unique method of assisted stretching (July 29, 2020)
View this event on YouTubeElizabeth Larkam met Ann and Chris Frederick to explore the 28 year evolution of the science and art of FST™, what makes it different and how practitioners from varied fields integrate FST within their practice for even better outcomes. Ann
and Chris are authors of Fascial Stretch Therapy™, Second edition, publishing July 2020. -
Episode 7 – Jan Trewartha, Scars, Adhesions and theBiotensegral Body (July 22, 2020)
View this event on YoutubeJan is Co-Editor, with Sharon Wheeler, of Scars, Adhesions and the Biotensegral Body: Science, Assessment and Treatment. One of our most engaging events to
date saw a host of questions and queries for Jan Trewartha when she joined Elizabeth Larkam to talk about her passion for working with clients with scars, and in particular for Sharon Wheeler’s Scar Work. -
Episode 6 – Heather Mason, Yoga for Mental Health (July1, 2020)
View this event on YouTubeElizabeth was joined by Heather Mason, co-editor of Yoga for Mental Health (Handspring
2018), to look at the research showing yoga’s potential as an important therapeutic tool as we deal with the impact of the pandemic, including anxiety
and other mental health issues. Heather’s knowledge of the research base and her understanding of neuroscience made this a truly fascinating presentation. There is a lovely breathing practice towards the end of the event! -
Episode 5 – Til Luchau: Hands-on Our Hands: Manual Therapy Self-Practicum (June 24, 2020)
View this event on YouTubeThis event with Til Luchau is packed with information and learning for manual therapists. Til provides a slide show, including video of a detailed hand therapy practice, as well as a live practice – with tennis ball! There is also a detailed handout as part of the resources to support his presentation, which you can view at Thank you to Til for this high quality learning experience brought to you as part of Moved to Learn! We are grateful.
Episode 4 – Judith Aston: Aston® Postural Assessment (June 10, 2020)
View this event on YouTubeThanks to Judith Aston ( for joining Elizabeth to explore the
concept and practice of the Aston® Paradigm and the consequent development of
the many forms of movement, bodywork, fitness and ergonomics of Aston® Kinetics. Discussion and practice are fully fleshed out in the second edition of Judith’s excellent manual Aston® Postural Assessment: A New Paradigm for
Evaluating Body Patterns. -
Episode 3 – Joanne Elphinston: The Power and the Grace – Ease and Efficiency in Functional Movement (May 17, 2020)
View this event on YouTubeWe had a great time with Joanne Elphinston ( in our event on May 27! Joanne is a leading elite performance movement and rehabilitation consultant, and highly respected international lecturer, physiotherapist and author of, among other titles, The Power and the Grace: A Professional’s Guide to Ease and Efficiency in Functional Movement (Handspring Publishing 2019). Her discussion with Elizabeth and the practice she offered us was a delight to take part in.
Episode 2 – Dr Suzanne Martin: Spinal Asymmetry and Scoliosis: Movement and Function Solutions (May 6, 2020)
View this event on YouTubeThanks to Dr Suzanne Martin for energetic and informative insight into therapeutic practice for clients with scoliosis and spinal asymmetry. Find lots more information in her engaging and accessible book (with accompanying video) Spinal Asymmetry and Scoliosis: Movement and Function Solutions for the Spine, Ribcage and Pelvis.
Resources – Dr Suzanne Martin (email:;, author of Spinal Asymmetry and Scoliosis:
Movement and Function Solutions for the Spine, Ribcage and Pelvis.; Cited
article – Scoliosis Journal: Physiotherapy scoliosis-specific exercises – a comprehensive
review of seven major schools -
Episode 1 – Amy Weintraub: Practices for clients with depression – Recommendations for movement educators (April 8, 2020)
Our first webinar sees Elizabeth in conversation with Amy Weintraub, founder of LifeForce Yoga, a pioneer in the field of yoga and mental health, and contributor to Yoga for Mental Health. Thank you Amy for an excellent presentation and extended guided practice.